Monday, June 18, 2007

Have you integrated Squidoo into your marketing plans yet, ?

By now, it's hard to imagine that you haven't, but you may fall into thesesituations:

1) you tried it out, couldn't figure it out and gave up

2) you heard about it but never got around to it

3) you tried it out, figured it outbut think that it's not worth your time.

Well, give it another look, but make sure you are doing it the right way.
You could be mastering Squidoo with Bob The Teacher's free Apprentice Program at Squidoo

Squidoo Secrets

In fact, one of the members just hit #1 ( out of 160,000) after putting these strategies into massive action -- and she did it after just one month of membership !

That's after Bob had a lens that hit number 1 .

Obviously he knows what he's doing . He's not just some guru trying to make money off you.
The guy's been a high school teacher for ten years , so his methods of showing you what to do
are quite good and easy to follow.

I'm a Super Kraken so I've had the opportunity to speak to him directly on Mastermind calls.
Let me tell you he is one good guy who wants you to succeed.

After two months my lens is in the top two percent just following a few of his suggestions ( and that's with little work ). More importantly, I'm making some money with this lens.

Squidoo works, and it should be working for you. It's FREE plus to put up the site on Squidoo is FREE .

Join the apprentice program at SquidooSecrets now, and put your past experience behind y

Squidoo Secrets

Yes, Bob will offer a more advanced course on Squidoo that I highly recommend. As I said I'm a member.

In addition to the e-course and initial, in-depth lesson you receive with the free program, the Super Kraken membership gives you a comprehensive set of videos, audios, and print resources to learn everything faster.

Squidoo Secrets

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Traffic Travis Review - SEO Desktop Software

Search engine optimization is the technical and design process used to help websites perform well in organic search engine results. Notoriously complex and time-consuming, search engine optimization requires skill and dedication in order to be used effectively.

Traffic Travis is designed to help marketers and website owners optimize and increase the performance of their websites by automating many of these complex and lengthy tasks. The ultimate goal is to increase the amount of traffic to your websites, thus creating more revenue.
The software takes you through a simple, five-step process to optimizing your site:

Step 1: Identify which search terms are most popular.
Step 2: Find your most successful competitors and see what they’re doing right.
Step 3: Optimize your site for keyword density, frequency and position.
Step 4: Build relationships with other sites and find the best people to link to.
Step 5: Monitor your status in the search engines.

Traffic Travis is an extraordinarily comprehensive package with 13 different tools, some for research others for analysis. I own this software and use it almost daily. I've seen other tools on the web selling for DOUBLE what Traffic Travis costs and they don't do even 25% of what Traffic Travis can do.

Just one of the several excellent research tools is Analyze Page, and to me, this tool stands out because of its multiple uses.

Competition within industries is just as fierce online as off and a key part of reaching top position is maintaining a close eye on your competitor’s sites and what strategies they are using to bring traffic. This tool is very easy to use and quickly brings back and compiles all the information from a site that would take hours to find manually. All you need to do is enter the URL of the competitor’s site and Traffic Travis gives you such data as: meta keywords embedded in the site, external and internal links, page rank, images, and word totals. From this information you can see exactly what your competitor is doing that is getting them a great ranking in the search engines!

Analyze Page is also useful when searching for good linking partners. A link exchange is most valuable when the page rank is high and the site has few external links, so the PR value is not too diluted. The Analyze page tool tells you instantly the page rank of each page, lists all external and internal links and contact information – making it very simple to add high quality links to your site.

Apart from research features, Traffic Travis contains some fantastic management features as well. I was particularly impressed with Adwords Manager, which allows you to manage your Adwords campaigns in one location. Normally, you have to login to different accounts separately and go back and forth, in and out of campaigns to view and compare each. However, with Adwords manager, you can just upload your campaigns from all accounts to one single management area. From here, you can create new ads, change details, alter bidding amounts and keywords – everything you would normally do in Google. Then with a click of a button, you can update your ads and Adwords Manager will upload everything to Google.

Traffic Travis was designed by Mark Ling's people at Affilorama. Let me tell you that Mark Ling is one of the TRULY good guys in affiliate marketing. He is dedicated to helping you succeed . Just go to his blog or one his sites. OVERDELIVER must be his middle name.

Traffic Travis is a highly recommended tool in the arsenal of any marketer or website owner (newbie or experienced ) serious about competing effectively – and ultimately reaching top position – in their industry. There are so many exceptional features here and the value is enormous.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Learn Mandarin Chinese

The Best Way to Learn Mandarin -- It Isn’t That Difficult to Learn!

When some people think about learning a foreign language, they often think that it is too difficult, and that they couldn’t possibly do it, regardless of the language. When talking about learning Chinese, most people say not to bother, because it is too difficult, because not only do you have to learn each new vocabulary word like you do with a traditional foreign language, but you also have to learn different characters for each new word you learn in order to read or write it.

Learning Mandarin can be difficult, if you aren’t committed to learning it. If you really want to learn Mandarin, the whole process will be a lot easier and more enjoyable. An important tool for learning a foreign language like Chinese is a support group. Ideally, this support group would include a teacher, who has experience teaching a foreign language. If you can’t find a teacher, you will definitely want to find some other students at about the same level of Chinese, so that you can practice with each other, and ask each other questions when you don’t understand something.
Is Chinese a really hard language to learn? That is a really difficult question to answer, because the answer will vary depending on the person. If you enjoy learning languages, learning Chinese will be a lot easier. Most people think that there are two difficult things about learning Chinese: the tones and the characters.

In Chinese, there are four different tones for each word, and depending on which tone you give, you could change the entire meaning of your sentence. Don’t worry, because while you do have to learn the tones in Mandarin, the rest of the grammar is much simpler than many other languages, including English. The trade off is definitely worth it.

Many Americans find learning characters a difficult thing to do, when studying Mandarin. The difficulty of learning these symbols is often overblown, because these characters are like building blocks. To form a word, you often need two different characters, but once you’ve learned about 1000 different characters, you can read over 90% of texts in Chinese.

Mandarin Chinese is a language that everyone can and should learn. The importance of learning a foreign language has always been stressed, but now Americans should definitely learn one in order to get ahead in the business world, deepen their cultural understanding, and be able to communicate with more people in the world.

Please check out my squidoo lens Learn Mandarin Chinese It has some cool stuff. Especially if you want to learn Mandarin.

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


My wife has strep throat..... My 5 year old son is getting it too . My two year old daughter need to be entertained ..CONSTANTLY ! .... What does this all mean ? It means I can't work while all this is going on .

This is why it is SUPER important to put as much on autopilot as you can..Things come want to take a vacation day ..your kid has a program at school you want to see..

I've been thinking and I will make a recommendation in the next day or so on what are the easiest things to " set and forget". Anyway, back to salt mines !! .. Good luck and be well.

I think I'll buy my wife a robe and slippers to warm her up at Robes and Slippers.Com or I'll get her , I don't know, a book to read on my squidoo lens

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

How to Build Your List Easily and Inexpensively

"The money is in the list" - it's one of those phrases we toss around all the time and you have heard it amillion times. But that is only because it's the truth.
However getting started with and mastering the art of list building is probably THE biggest hurdle for people trying to start an online business.

But today I'm happy to introduce you to Mike Paetzold's latest baby: "The Beginners List Formula".

I know , I know ..another list building tool.This is different.

This was conceived at a couple of live online seminars where Mike P, Jon Olson, Robert Puddy, Soren Jordensan and a few others were discussing list building and product creation.

Mike has taken the information from those seminars and hammered it into a great STEP BY STEP system anyone can use to start building a list and more importantly it also teaches you how to MONETIZE the process.

...And no it's not an expensive home study course, it's not even one of those 47 dollar Clickbank products.
It's a step by step ebook with audio files and you get all of it for less than ten bucks
When you claim your ebook you will also automatically become an affiliate and be able to sell it and get 100% commission to your Paypal account...immediately!

So that means ,all you have to sell is one book and you're already breakeven.
One final thing about this product that is a must.

Take a good long look at the OTO. It's extremely cheap and it will allow you to rebrand this fantastic ebook and make it your own virtual sales agent, working 24/7.

Seriously, for under ten dollars Mike will show you how to get your list building system up and generating a profit. How can you pass on that?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy Three Day Weekend

Just want to wish everyone a happy and healthy and SAFE Memorial Day Weekend.

Enoy the barbecued Burgers , dogs, steaks and chicken etc. etc !!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Best Way to Build an Effective Website

Dan Kelly, has released an awesome series of videos that can teach ANYONE how to quickly and easily setup their very own order-taking, money-making mini-sites.

Dan actually shows you the entire process of setting up a three different types of mini-sites, all using proven direct marketing techniques. His step-by-step videos are like nothing you've ever seen before.

Definitely grab this free course .

Basically, the course , which is called Mini-Site Secrets Revealed , is a series of videos (14) and 4 REAL bonus items that will walk you through everything you need to know to setup your very own sales letter website... complete with an order page, payment links, a protected download area, and much, much more.

If you choose to upgrade there are 28 videos and some more good and useful bonuses ( not dumb ones ) I'm an upgraded member and I have been using the videos and have followed his instructions to the T. I am NOT tech savvy at all and I have been able to understand Dan with ease.

I can tell you that he has saved me a bunch of money.

Even if you don't know difference between PHP and a PDF, Dan is going to hold your hand and show you, step-by-step exactly what you need to do to get YOUR SITE up and taking orders - today!

The best thing's free!

Mini-Site Secrets Revealed

Dan makes it so simple for anyone to get a website up and running.

Go ahead and check it out : Mini-Site Secrets Revealed

For now, Dan's giving his course away for free, so there is no risk. But, you need to hurry because he could start charging a membership fee real soon.

Mini-Site Secrets Revealed

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Free Report , No Name or Email Adress Required

In this short (31 page) - and Free - ebook Harvey Segal has managed to include one unique idea after another on a wide variety of topics starting with his controversial stance on search engines and moving on to
- Getting traffic to your site
- Preselling with free ebooks
- Preselling with articles
- Autoresponders and follow up campaigns
- Ad tracking
- Affiliate marketing
- ClickBank
- Viral marketing
- PDF book creation
- Ebook rebranding
- Creating niche sites
- Resale rights

He even throws in an amazing viral idea at the end.

Plus, he NEVER asks for your name and email address.
Go there now and download your Free report.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I just came across an awesome site that provides great tutorials on how to master Google Adwords.

Put the credit card away, it's totally free! No upsells .. No back end stuff ..totally Free.
The tutorials are excellent. Plenty of content and easy to understand.

It also has a forum where you can post questions to and get help with campaigns.

Not to mention the free keyword research tool that you can use too. This was pretty darn good. I used it last night for one of my campaigns.

Check it out:

And you can thank me later ;-)

Monday, May 21, 2007

For Newbies at No Cost

Here's a piece of refreshing good news...
If you're a newbie, then you MUST visit this blog:

You never thought an Internet Marketing guru would care,
but Ewen Chia is giving expert advice to newbies for FREE.

Go and bookmark it now...

PS. This is going to help you out a lot and is definitely a great start.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Google Cash Detective

Imagine having Google Cash creator and expert, Chris Carpenter, call you every day and tell you the following:
- what affiliate program to promote- which keywords to use- and what Ad Copy to use on Google Adwords
How many profitable streams of income would you setup if you knew that they were profitable before even starting them?
In a special new report, Chris Carpenter, will show you how technology is now making this possible with almost scary precision.
You don't want to miss out on could be the most important report you've ever read.
How much does it cost? It's free.
Go get your copy now!

To your success

Michael Dickens

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I'm writing to thank you for reading this blog and to give you a free gift.

When I first started out I didn't have a list.I focused on other stuff..PPC,SEO,Blogs etc.

Anything that could make me affiliate comissions.

It was a mistake. Don't be a fool like me. Build your list !

I have found this tool to be a really useful resource for building an online business,

andI hope you find it helps too.

But it doesn't end there. If you get a copy of this, you'll also be invited to

use a truly unique list-building tool, so you can begin creating a huge opt-in list of targeted prospects and buyers.
This system makes it easy for you to build a cash-generating list, fast... and its all free.
So go ahead and download your gift and then watch your inbox for the introduction to your new list-builder.

With thanks again and good luck with all you're doing.

Michael Dickens

PS: The sooner you get your gift, the sooner

you can build your list. Go ahead and

download it now:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Can You Help Me Test a Free Service ?

This tool is a brand new service and script. Can you help me out ?
It's a new product by Chris Morris and he calls it URLFreeze.

Here's what it does.

It allows you to create a shorter URL to protect andmake your affiliate links more attractive.
Now you may be thinking that there are other free linkcloakers out there and you would be correct. But here'sthe BIG difference. SnipUrl or TinyUrl links are not veryfriendly or easy to remember.

Let me show you.

Here are two links I made in under a minute each.


Ok, here's the scoop. PleaseGoTo is my own personal folder
and ANY keyword I want becomes the link tothe site I wish
to send people to.

So , which do you think I can remember better ?


And which do you think will look better in emails andforums, resulting in much higher conversions?


So if you are willing to test out this free tool, here's what you need to do.

1) Go to

2) Fill out the form to signup. Choose a good folder name, that is what
will be in your links (like my PleaseGoTo above)

3) Confirm your email.

4) Login and start putting in affiliate links.

This is a free service and really easy to use.

There is also an upgrade option (at a pre-launch discount)
This upgrade is another reason that makes URLFreeze better
than any other link branding tool out there.

Basically, this lifetime upgrade allows you to refer others to
URL Freeze, and the ads at the top and bottom for other
programs will have your affiliate links embedded for great
commissions (pretty much one or two sales and you're in profit).

URL Freeze

Thank you for your time.

Michael Dickens

p.s. You are getting special advanced notice about this service.
URLFreeze will remain free after the official launch, but the
upgrade price will be going up. This is a great and cheap way to set
yourself on the path to great commissions for referring a great service
to others. In fact, the site advertises itself for you when you
advertise your link!

URL Freeze

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

No Hype. No Bull. No Nonsense.Just the Best Education and the Best Support

Would you like your own personal guide showing you step- by- step the best, fastest, cheapest and easiest ways to make money on the internet?

Are you sick and tired of all the BS on the internet about how to make money online?
Product after product promoting that you'll make $1000 a day in less than a month and stuff like that?

Well who isn't?

What you need is a step-by-step system, using video lessons that show you in front of your eyes what actually works. No hype, no bull. Just what works, and how you can replicate it for yourself.

Affilorama, a step-by-step guide which shows you how to make money online from affiliate programs was created by Mark Ling, a super affiliate who is making over $1 million a year just from affiliate programs. ( Not to mention his SIX other companies ! ) More importantly though, he's used his knowledge to help his family (his dad and cousin), and his friends to make a full time living online by replicating his system.

Now he has decided to release this information to the general public. It's in the form of step-by-step video lessons. Plus written notes. And not only that, there is hand holding as well! He's there almost every single day on the forum, along with other members of Affilorama, they are all there to make sure you succeed .

I've been a member since August 2006 and I find the videos very easy to follow. Also the Forum is invaluable.
Now isn't that a nice change? A person who teaches you how to make money online that ACTUALLY cares about YOU!

If you want more information, there is a LOT of it on his homepage, visit


The word "Overdeliver" is greatly " Overused" . But Mark Ling truly overdelivers.

P.S. Oh, and there is a fantastic 6 part e-course right there, it shows you a lot of step-by-step information about how to make money online, so you can see that this is not bs, and you can see for yourself if you like mark's teaching style.

P.P.S. btw that 6 part course I mentioned above, it's free


Thursday, April 19, 2007

God Bless Virginia Tech

Our thoughts and prayers reach out to the entire Virginia Tech community .

Go Hokies !

Michael Dickens
My BookWise

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Best Web Host - Kiosk Hands Down

Kiosk is easily the most feature rich and unique website hosting company that has helped thousands of people generate a full time income from the comfort of their own home.

Do you have an internet business? Your first decision is where to host your storefront. Your websites. Don't take this decision lightly. Your domain name and your hosting package are probably the least expensive cost to getting your business on line. But hosting with the wrong company can put your business in jeopardy.

Kiosk can offer everything from complete dedicated servers to basic hosting plans. But don't confuse their service with the others. They offer reliability and service second to none.
Visit their website and see the rest of the benefits FAR too numerous to mention.
Kiosk - user friendly, business friendly , customer friendly.
Michael Dickens

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Don Imus

Don Imus got what he deserved. You can't make incredibly racist comments like the ones he said and expect that people ( white and African- American ) are just going to let it pass.

I understand that Imus has done much charity work over the years for children with cancer and that is truly admirable. But that doesn't hide the fact that these comments were inexcusable.

What do you think ? Please drop a comment . Either way is appreciated. I'll have more to say on this in the coming days.

Michael Dickens
My BookWise

Thursday, April 12, 2007

List Lotto

I'm sure you know how important List Building is for your Online Business. If you would like and need a way to help you build your list with ease, then ListLotto is the place to start.

Lets take a look at what you get from ListLotto :

It's a Downline List Building web site that lets you email the list you build every 5 days.
There are many other sites like this on the market, such as ListDotCom and YourLuckyList and plenty of others.

These sites allow you to build a list by promoting them , then mail out to that list every few days or so. The incentive ( and it's a valid one ) is you can grow your list by sharing information about the main site, which in turn attracts new visitors and then that means you build a list of your own.

As long as you build the relationship with these people in the right way ( that is , promote only quality products you USE and BELIEVE in ! ), you can then begin the process of getting prospects to your main sites and market to them from there.

In general, these downline list builders will also let you upgrade to a paid membership which gives you more access to mail more people on the site itself. This is a great thing if you have the finances. It accelerates the process of you building your double opt in list. It's especially good for newbies who don't have a list to start but it is also extremely helpful to the experienced marketer who should ALWAYS be list building.

This is also great in the early days of a product launch you wish to promote as the mail from you is opened , read and you can get a great response.

Where ListLotto has set itself apart from the current trend of list building web sites, is it gives you the potential to email to the ENTIRE house list, no matter how big by winning the weekly free draw, hence the name List Lotto!

The cool part is, for every person you refer, you can gain a further entry into the weekly draw, thus making it Viral... Invite more people, the more chances you will have to win the weekly draw.

To me this has GREAT appeal. It means that thousands of people will be marketing ListLotto with all the great tools included. The more people promoting, means the BIGGER the list will be on the site... Imagine for one moment the potenial to mail to hundreds, thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people? That would be simply AWESOME...

Well now you can...

ListLotto is the ultimate list builder online and its free to get started... You could win the weekly draw and be sending your information to thousands of interested people.. now that is a list I want to market to.. I use it to help me market My BookWise .

To your success.

Michael Dickens

The Money Really is in THIS LIST....

Monday, April 9, 2007


I was sitting at home yesterday with my family thoroughly enjoying my Easter dinner. (Turkey actually, I know it's not traditional but it sure was good ! ). And after wolfing down some pie and ice cream we put the Masters Golf Tournament on television.

We figured it would be the Tiger Woods Show but as it turns out Zach Johnson didn't agree. He overcame big odds to hold Woods off and win by two strokes.

What it shows is the power of mind over matter. There is no way Johnson should have won but he did. He overcame a couple of bad holes and but his positive attitude kept him in the hunt. Things like this are always an inspiration to me . When things are tough you can always look at people who overcame adversity. Not just in sports but in all of life's venues.

Check out the inspirational category in My BookWise . There's plenty to choose from, including the recent book by Bob Woodruff "In an Instant " . It makes me realize that I can deal with anything life throws at me.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Best Wishes

hi Everybody,

Here's wishing everyone a very happy and safe Passover and Easter !

My BookWise

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Book Review

I've just received from My Book Wise " The Audacity of Hope ' by Barack Obama .I'll be reading it over the next week and will post a review . If there is any other book anyone wants reviewed I'll be happy to pick it up and review it as soon as I can .

In the meantime, go to My Book Wise and watch the short video ( just click on " What is Book Wise in the top left ) . The Bundle of Benefits you receive each month ( in addition to great books ) is easily worth ten times the price . Please come back and post a comment . I'd love to hear what you think. Thank you.

Monday, April 2, 2007

My BookWise

Richard Paul Evans and Robert Allen have come up with a unique way to read current and past best sellers and build your business at the same time . It's called My Book Wise . It's essentially a book club with roughly 10 or 11 extra features. But not just any features .It is a true Bundle of Benefits worth at least ten times the cost of the club membership.

I'm not just blowing really is .You get to choose your categories anywhere from the Classics to Modern Romance novels. But that's where the similarity ends. you get these books at anywhere from 40 to 60 % off retail price. You also get a free e book as well as a free audio book. There's a free newsletter as well.

But then it get's interesting . there's a free speed reading lesson. In addition , the affiliate program of My Book Wise is multi-tiered , making for a super opportunity for multiple streams of income.

This is just the half of it . There's plenty more . just go to the website My Book Wise and watch the short video. (just click on What is BookWise in the top left) . I'd be surprised if you're not super impressed.

Then come back and please post a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks very much for taking the time to read this blog !