Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Best Way to Build an Effective Website

Dan Kelly, has released an awesome series of videos that can teach ANYONE how to quickly and easily setup their very own order-taking, money-making mini-sites.

Dan actually shows you the entire process of setting up a three different types of mini-sites, all using proven direct marketing techniques. His step-by-step videos are like nothing you've ever seen before.

Definitely grab this free course .

Basically, the course , which is called Mini-Site Secrets Revealed , is a series of videos (14) and 4 REAL bonus items that will walk you through everything you need to know to setup your very own sales letter website... complete with an order page, payment links, a protected download area, and much, much more.

If you choose to upgrade there are 28 videos and some more good and useful bonuses ( not dumb ones ) I'm an upgraded member and I have been using the videos and have followed his instructions to the T. I am NOT tech savvy at all and I have been able to understand Dan with ease.

I can tell you that he has saved me a bunch of money.

Even if you don't know difference between PHP and a PDF, Dan is going to hold your hand and show you, step-by-step exactly what you need to do to get YOUR SITE up and taking orders - today!

The best thing's free!

Mini-Site Secrets Revealed

Dan makes it so simple for anyone to get a website up and running.

Go ahead and check it out : Mini-Site Secrets Revealed

For now, Dan's giving his course away for free, so there is no risk. But, you need to hurry because he could start charging a membership fee real soon.

Mini-Site Secrets Revealed

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